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How to create an event

1,057 bytes removed, 14:52, 16 September 2020
Fixme is an excellent place to organise all your awesome events. We welcome everything relating to technology, electronics, hacking, making, meetups, cryptocurrencies, competitions, talks, conferences, (relevant) politics, and much more! We already hold numerous events every month - at least one event a week, with one large event a month at a minimum. Check out our [ calendar]!
== Location ==
=== Fixme ===
'''Capacity''': 20 people
You are encouraged to organise events here at any time! (Wednesday evenings may be a bit cramped though)
=== Makerspace ===
'''Capacity''': however many you can fit in 250m^2
You can organise events here for anything to do with electronics, making, woodworking, laser cutting, plasma cutting, cnc machining, or other projects that wouldn't fit into fixme. Usage of machines requires a belt, and if your belt color isn't blue or higher, someone with that has to be present. The exact protocol for organising events here hasn't been clarified yet, please come and talk with us first.
=== Meetup space ===
'''Capacity''': 60+ people
Great for larger events, generally unavailable on Wednesday evenings. Requires being added to UC calendar to avoid clashes.
=== Rooms ===
'''Capacity''': 10 people for big one, 5 people for small one
Priority is given to co-workers (but they're rarely used)
== Questions to answer first ==
* What is the target? (i.e. Fixme members, extern people, adults, children, ...)
* What resources are required? (i.e. the hackerspace, electronics tools, electronics parts, ...)
* Who can help me to organiseorganize? (i.e. things can be done faster/easier if you do not try to do it alone)
* Is the date available ?
== Plan the event ==
The person responsible for events is [[User:Sasha|Sasha]], feel free to contact him (''sasha at fixme dot ch'') at any time to organise events. If you want to organise events in the Univercité space, please cc Shalf and Carmelo (''yh at shalf dot me ''and'' carmelo dot bisognano at inartis dot ch'') as well.
* Create a wiki page using the [[Project_template|project template]].
* Get/Order the resources to be sure to get it on time.
* Open a [ Framadate] and spread the word (Mailing-List, IRC, weekmail, twitter, facebook, ...).
* Select the most popular date (yes, it's obvious, I know...)
* Plan the event early, : 1 month is goodmost of the times, the earlier the better
== Communicate about the event ==
** post the event and date on Twitter,
** prepare a short description for the weekmail.
** <s>You may use events script to create event (FIXME it's broken)</s>
* Communicate 1 week and the day before the event (people tend to forget)
== During the event ==
* Share the video
** terminal:
ControlGroup, administrator