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A list of local (Romandie, Switzerland) and international ressources.
A list of local (Romandie, Switzerland) and international ressources.
=Local Ressources=
=Local Resources in Switzerland=
== Events ==
== Events ==
* [http://www.zigobot.ch/accueil/ateliers/workshop-picstar.html PicStar workshop] on alternate Thursdays, 19h-21h
* [http://zigobot.ch/concour.html PicStar workshop] on alternate Thursdays, 19h-21h
* [http://2012.rmll.info/ RMLL 2012] in Geneva
* [http://2012.rmll.info/ RMLL 2012] in Geneva
* [http://liftconference.com/ LIFT Conférences]
* [http://liftconference.com/ LIFT Conférences]
* [http://festivalrobotique.epfl.ch/ Festival Robotique EPFL]
* [http://www.espace-des-inventions.ch/index.php/activitee/club-des-petits-inventeurs Club des petits inventeurs]
* [http://www.espace-des-inventions.ch/index.php/activitee/club-des-petits-inventeurs Club des petits inventeurs]
* [http://www.node-rdv.ch/ Node, rendez-vous des curiosités sonores]
* [https://tech.ebu.ch/events/drs2013/radiohack2013 RadioHack 2013]
* [http://gwenstival.com Gwenstival] (radio, ...)
* [http://librelist.com/browser/cryptoch/ CryptoCH]: Cryptoparties in Switzerland
* [http://lemanmake.com/ Leman Make] (Maker Fair in Arc lémanique)
* [http://nipconf.com/ NipConf] (innovation)
* [https://zeteco.ch/ ZeTeCo] Camp in Switzerland (Schaffhausen)
=== Robotique ===
* [http://www.fribot.org/ Fribot]: Autonomous robot contest in Lego Mindstorm
* [http://festivalrobotique.epfl.ch/ Festival Robotique EPFL]
* [https://aseba.wikidot.com/fr:thymiorobotsenclasse Robots en Classe] (formation à la robotique pour les enseignants)
* [http://actu.epfl.ch/search/robotique-pratique/ news robotique @ epfl]
=== Sécurité ===
* http://dahucon.ch // https://twitter.com/DahuCon
* [http://insomnihack.ch Insomni'Hack]
* [http://www.bimo.ch/fr/Jura-Security-Days/Jurackerfestch.html JurackerFest]
* [http://www.isc2chapter-switzerland.ch/index.php/events ISC² Chapter Switzerland]
== Associations/Foundations ==
== Associations/Foundations ==
=== Electronic ===
=== Electronic/Hardware/Robotic ===
* [http://microclub.ch/ MicroClub]
* [http://microclub.ch/ MicroClub]
* [http://site.cvra.ch/ Club Vaudois de Robotique Autonome (Renens)]
* [http://site.cvra.ch/ Club Vaudois de Robotique Autonome (Renens)]
* [http://robopoly.epfl.ch/ Robotpoly (EPFL)]
* [http://robopoly.epfl.ch/ Robotpoly] [http://wiki.robopoly.ch/w/Main_Page wiki]
* [http://lara.heig-vd.ch/robot-ch/home.php Robot-CH (Association Suisse pour la Promotion de la Robotique)]
* [http://lara.heig-vd.ch/robot-ch/home.php Robot-CH (Association Suisse pour la Promotion de la Robotique)]
* [http://www.mobsya.org/ Mobsya]
* [http://www.mobsya.org/ Mobsya]
* [http://edurobot.ch/ Edurobot]
* [http://bricobot.ch/ Bricobot], Club de robotique pour les débutants (12-16ans)
* [http://www.ader.ch/ ADER] (énergie renouvellable)
* [http://www.creative-studio.ch CreativeStudio] (atelier/cours de robotique)
* [http://roberta.epfl.ch/ Promotion de la robotique à l'EPFL (bureau de l'égalité des chances)]
* [http://www.brainybiz.com/ BrainyBiz] (internet of things/domotique)
* [http://www.swissraspberry.ch Swiss Raspberry UG] (and Wiki)
* [https://abcm.ch/ Les Amis du Musée Bolo] (old school hardware)
* [http://www.nccr-robotics.ch/ NCCR Robotics] (Swiss National Centre of Compentence in Research)
* [http://www.milliwatt.ch Electronique, robotique, modélisme et bricolages] (Nicoud)
* [http://www.occc.club Old Computers and Consoles Club] (Valais)
* [https://cmc.web.cern.ch/ Microclub CERN]
=== Radio amateurs (RF, wifi, électronique) ===
* http://www.radioamateur.ch/
*[http://www.iapc.ch/ International Amateur Packet Club (IAPC)] (Genève)
*http://www.hb9mm.com/ (Vaud)
*http://www.hb9g.ch/ (Radio club Genève)
*http://home.swissatv.ch/ (http://hb9tv.ch/, Transmissions de télévision radioamateur, exemple avec http://www.hb9ibc.org/ )
*http://www.hb9xc.ch/ (Moutier et région)
*http://hb9lc.cq-dx.org/ (Montagnes neuchâteloises)
*http://www.hb9fg.ch/ (Fribourg)
*http://www.hb9ww.org/ (Neuchâtel)
*http://www.hb9y.ch/ (Valais)
*http://hb9hi.ch/ (La Côte)
*http://home.swissatv.ch/ (Ecublens)
=== OpenSource ===
=== OpenSource ===
* [http://linux-gull.ch GULL]
* <s>[http://linux-gull.ch GULL]</s> L'association n'existe plus depuis 2018
* [http://swisslinux.org SwissLinux]
* [http://swisslinux.org SwissLinux]
* [http://free-it-foundation.org/ Free IT Foundation]
* [http://free-it-foundation.org/ Free IT Foundation]
* [http://www.opensourcecommunity.ch/ Fribourg Open-Source Community (FROSC)]
* [http://www.opensourcecommunity.ch/ Fribourg Open-Source Community (FROSC)]
* [http://gnugeneration.epfl.ch/ GNU Generation (EPFL)]
* [https://lists.debian.ch/pipermail/community/2016/001173.html Debian Romandie Meetup]
=== Hackerspace ===
=== Hackerspaces ===
* [http://www.posttenebraslab.ch/ PostTenebrasLab]
* Hackerspaces in CH: [http://hackerspaces.ch/] [http://hackerspaces.org/wiki/Switzerland]
* [https://www.ccc-ch.ch/ CCC-CH], [https://www.ccc-ch.ch/gettogether.html get together]
* [http://www.posttenebraslab.ch/ Post Tenebras Lab (PTL) Genève]
* [http://www.hackburg.ch/ Hackburg Fribourg]
* [http://www.ccczh.ch/ CCCZH]
* [http://www.chaostreff.ch/ Chaostreff Basel]
* [http://computerlabor.kire.ch/ Computerlabor@KuZeB]
* [http://www.coredump.ch/ Coredump]
* [http://www.dock18.ch/ Dock18]
* [http://www.eastermundigen.ch/ Eastermundigen]
* [http://www.laborluzern.org/ LABOR Luzern]
* [http://www.mechatronicart.ch/ MechArtLab]
* [http://odenwilusenz.ch/ Odenwilusenz]
* [http://www.projektlabor.ch/ Projektlabor]
* [https://www.chaostreff.ch/ RAIF HQ]
* [http://ruum42.ch/ Ruum42]
* [http://www.bastli.ch/ Bastli]
* [http://www.starship-factory.ch/ Starship Factory]
* [https://fixme.ch FIXME]
* [http://www.luxeria.ch/ Luxeria Lucern]
* [https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Lausanne-Hackergarten/ Hackergarten Lausanne] (groupe meetup)
==== Bio DIY ====
* [http://biodesign.cc/category/where/switzerland/ BioDesign] (EPFL collaboration)
* [http://hackteria.org/ Hackteria]
* [http://hackuarium.strikingly.com/ Hackarium] Bio-hackerspace in Renens (at UniverCité)
* [http://www.bioscope.ch/ Bioscope] (UNIGE open bio-lab)
* http://beopenlab.org/ (Geneva bio-hs)
=== Fablab ===
* [http://fablab.ch/official-register-of-fab-labs-in-switzerland/ Fablabs in Switzerland]
* [http://www.fablab-ge.ch/ Fablan Genève]
* [http://fablab-fribourg.ch/ Fablab Fribourg]
* [http://www.miy.ch/ Makerspace Fribourg]
* [http://fablab-neuch.ch/ Fablab Neuchatel]
* [http://luzern.fablab.ch/ Fablab Lucerne]
* [http://www.net-village.org/fablab/ Fablab Jura francais]
* [http://fablab-lacote.ch/ Fablab La Côte]
* [http://www.fablab-renens.ch/ Fablab Renens] [https://www.facebook.com/FabLabRenens facebook]
=== Art-Technology ===
* http://www.sinlab.ch/ Collaboration entre la HETSR et l'EPFL (Arts, Architecture, Science, Engineering and Philosophy)
* [http://www.tskz.ch/ TSKZ liaison artiste-techno]
* [http://www.epfl-ecal-lab.ch/ EPFL+ECAL Lab]
=== Divers ===
=== Divers ===
* [http://www.espace-des-inventions.ch/ Espace des inventions]
* [http://www.espace-des-inventions.ch/ Espace des inventions]
* [http://thebootstrap.ch/ The Bootstrap]
* [http://thebootstrap.ch/ The Bootstrap]
* [http://hackepfl.com HackEPFL]
* [http://www.unil.ch/interface/page18617.html L'Eprouvette (ateliers scientifiques) à l'UNIL]
* [http://www.futurekids-romandie.ch/ Futurekids Romandie] (formation des jeunes à la technologie)
* [http://educatec.ch educaTEC] (Formation à la techologie, informatique, robotique)
* [http://www.thinkdata.ch/ ThinkData: Service de sensibilisation à la protection des données et à la transparence]
* [http://www.ot-lab.ch/ Observatoire Technologique (OT-Lab)]
* [http://nearfuturelaboratory.com/ Near Future Lab] (Geneva)
* [http://opendata.admin.ch/ Swiss Open Government Data portal]
* [http://www.isoc.ch/ Internet Society Switzerland Chapter (ISOC)]
* [http://sti-ateliers.epfl.ch/afa Atelier de fabrication additive] at EPFL (3d printing, etc)
* [http://www.unige.ch/fapse/actualites/2014/lundi-video.html Lundis du jeu video]
* [http://univercite.ch/ UniverCité] Espace communautaire (coworking, hackerspaces)
* [http://reparier-bar.ch/ Reparier Bar] (repair café)
* [https://www.swissneutral.net/ SwissNeutral] FAI Associatif
=== Coworking ===
* [http://g-60.net/ G60] (bio-hs, coworking, art, events, ...) (Lausanne)
* [http://num3.ch/ Numéro 3] (Lausanne)
* [http://www.la-muse.ch/coworking/lausanne/ La Muse] (Lausanne)
* [http://eclau.ch/ Eclau] (Lausanne)
* [http://rainbowlab.ch/ Rainbow Lab] (Lausanne)
* [https://www.facebook.com/blablawork.ch BlaBlaWork] (Genève)
* [http://www.hyperespace.ch/ Hyperespace] (Renens)
* PowerHouse[http://www.powerhouse-lausanne.ch/] (Lausanne)
=== Space ===
* http://www.swiss-strato.com/ (stratospheric image of earth, association)
* http://www.astro-vevey.ch/ Société d'astronomie du Haut-Léman
* http://www.ssaa.ch/ Société suisse d'astrophysique et d'astronomie
* http://www.ofxb.ch/ Observatoire Francois-Xavier Bagnoud en Valais (St-Luc)
* http://svastro.ch/ Société vaudoise d'astronomie et observatoire de Lausanne
* http://www.jura-observatory.ch/ Société jurassienne d'astronomie
* http://callista.epfl.ch/ Association d'astronomie de l'EPFL
== Ecoles/Enseignement ==
* [http://www.cpln.ch/ CPLN]
* [https://www.etml.ch/ Ecole des métiers Lausanne]
* [http://www.edurobot.ch/ Edurobot, Ressources pédagogique pour la robotique]
* [http://edutic.ch EduTIC] (informatique pédagogique)
* [http://codeclubch.wordpress.com/ Code Club] (teach children how to program)
* [http://piclass.org/index.fr.html PiClass] Teaching with the raspi in romandie school
== Shops/Companies ==
== Shops/Companies ==
=== Electronic ===
=== Electronic/Computer ===
* [http://zigobot.ch/ ZigoBot]
* [http://zigobot.ch/ ZigoBot]
* [http://www.didel.com/ Didel SA]
* [http://www.didel.com/ Didel SA]
=== OpenSource/OpenHardware ===
* [http://boxtec.ch Boxtec]
* [http://thinkembedded.ch/ ThinkEmbedded]
* <s>[http://www.dshop.ch/ dshop]</s>
* [http://www.itopie.ch/lesoccasions/ Itopie] (Informatique d'occasion)
* [http://www.labonnecombine.ch/ La bonne combine] (électronique, électroménager, ...)
* [http://www.toppreise.ch/index.php Toppreise] (Trouver les meilleurs prix pour électronique, électroménager, DVD/BD, pneus, vins, bref tout, en suisse.)
* [http://iPhoneCasse.ch/ iPhone Cassé] (Reparation d'iPhone, iPod et iPad en Suisse)
* [http://www.chipandlove.ch/ Chip & love] electronic components
* [http://www.dupertuis.com/ Dupertuis Electronique] (sono, light, dj, eclairage, video, informatique, electronique, ...)
* [http://www.play-zone.ch/ PlayZone] (electronic components, kits, arduino, rpi, ...)
* [https://www.pi-shop.ch/ PiShop] Raspberry Pi
= International Ressources =
=== 3D Printer ===
== Events ==
* <s>https://swissreprap.com/en</s>
* https://www.tardo.ch/
* [http://www.fabberworld.com/ FabberWorld (The Swiss 3D Printing Shop)]
* <s>[http://3dfunlab.com/ 3D funlab] 3d printing/scanning services in Geneva</s>
* [http://www.oblong-boutique.ch/Vos-creations-3D 3d printing]
* [http://shop.deltatower.ch/ DeltaTower]
* https://www.dim3nsions.ch/
== Associations/Foundations ==
=== OpenSource/OpenHardware ===
=== Open Source ===
* http://bytecode.ch/
* [http://www.fsf.org/ Free Software Foundation]
* http://camptocamp.com
* http://whyopencomputing.ch/ (Computers shipped with Ubuntu, with local support)
=== DRM ===
=== PCB Fabrication ===
* [http://www.defectivebydesign.org/ Defective By Design]
* [http://eurocircuits.com/ EuroCircuits] good quality at reasonable prices. excellent service and support.
* [http://dirtypcbs.com/ Dirty PCBs] Dirt cheap PCBs with free shipping (from $1.2/5x5 pcb for 10 units)
* [http://imall.iteadstudio.com/open-pcb/pcb-prototyping.html Itead] Slightly more expensive PCBs with shipping extra
* Fritzing - really expensive PCBs
=== Hackerspaces ===
== Association support ==
* [http://hackerspaces.org/ Hackerspaces.org]
* http://www.lausanne-usl.ch/ Union des sociétés lausannoises
* http://www.benevolat-vaud.ch/ Aide aux associations, plateforme, ...
* http://www.lebureauculturel.ch/ informations et conseils aux artistes/créateurs
* http://www.article60.com/ Journal des associations romandes (+ annuaire des associations)
== Shops/Companies ==
= [[International_resources]] =
=== OpenSource/OpenHardware ===
* [http://hackable-devices.org/ Hackable Devices]

Latest revision as of 10:30, 10 March 2021

A list of local (Romandie, Switzerland) and international ressources.

Local Resources in Switzerland






Radio amateurs (RF, wifi, électronique)












3D Printer


PCB Fabrication

  • EuroCircuits good quality at reasonable prices. excellent service and support.
  • Dirty PCBs Dirt cheap PCBs with free shipping (from $1.2/5x5 pcb for 10 units)
  • Itead Slightly more expensive PCBs with shipping extra
  • Fritzing - really expensive PCBs

Association support
