Hi / Salut.
I used to be a passive Fixme member.
Now I'm your best friend neighbor, as UniverCité's Community Satisfaction Officer (I love the word "tummler" too, I find "community manager" stupid).
In a nutshell, my job --big part of it is volunteer work, please be excellent-- is to do as much as I can realistically do to keep every member/resident at UniverCité happy.
Which means sometimes I have to say "no", and sometimes not everybody is happy. This doesn't mean I don't like you. It most of the times means community is about consensus and trade-offs.
Talk to me if I said or wrote something that hurts you, and please do so before going vocal about it with anybody else. It tends to help fixing things faster, and it is way more cool on the long run too.
You definitely need to talk to me before/when planning an event. | yh at shalf dot me