- Give the hackerspace a real soldering iron station.
- Some iron to adapt the soldering iron to the task and not the contrary.
- less than 200$.
- New goal fixed on the 30 of April
- we need around 200 $ to finance the soldering iron and some electronic parts.
following User:corecode advice :
- http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270774480464&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:US:1123#ht_1916wt_1398 At around 150 $ shipping included. Be sure to ask for a 240V version !
- Multimeter. (fluke 17b will do the trick, cost around 80 bucks)
- Bread board. (a new one cost 30 bucks)
- Banana plugs with wire in between.
User:Nemen has a Dremel-like for Fixme.