Last modified on 29 June 2011, at 18:55

Tron Restore

Revision as of 18:55, 29 June 2011 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


We salvaged a 1982 Tron arcade, of which the motherboard is fried. The goal is to make it work using a normal computer inside the tron and with the MAME emulator.


The first step was to connect the screen over VGA. The problem was that modern drivers did not regonized there was a screen connected. The fix is to put resistances on the 3 colors. An other problem was getting the right modeline for the screen and having a compatible graphic card.


FIXME: Schematic of the connection

Graphic Card

  • Model: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R200 QM [Radeon 9100]
  • Driver: radeon
  • File:Xorg.conf

Tips and Tricks

Something to add ?


  • Using a Teensy board
  • Using a I-PAC
  • Wheel problematic


  • Configuration
  • Scripts
  • Tips and Tricks



FIXME: Translate to english, better documentation of what we did, what problem we encountered


Remettre en état la borne d'arcarde de Tron

Tron Manual

A faire

  • Démonter la borne
  • Nettoyer et poncer la borne
  • Repeindre
  • Coller de nouveaux autocollants
  • Brancher un pc engine (ou autre) sur l'écran
  • Interfacer un pc avec les commandes de jeu => fait partielement
  • Faire marcher l'audio



To convince the video card that a monitor is present, you need a VGA dummy.

From [2]:

  8.10) Building a 5 BNC cable

This is straightforward, if time consuming and tedious.

The five coaxial cables (75 ohm, RG59 typical) are wired as shown in the
table.  The corresponding VGA connector pin numbers are in ().

     Coax Center         Coax Shield
    Red Video  (1)      Red Return (6)
    Green Video  (2)    Green Return (7)
    Blue Video  (3)     Blue Return (8)
    H Sync (13)         Ground (5,10)
    V Sync (14)         Ground (5,10)

Tie pin 11 (ID0) to Ground to indicate a color monitor.
Leave pin 12 (ID1) open.

Make sure that the lengths of the cables are fairly well matched - to within
a couple of inches - to assure that the 3 color channels line up precisely.
(One foot of cable is about 1.5 to 2 ns of delay which is significant for
a 10 ns dot clock!).

Also note that you will lose your 'Plug-and-Play' capabilities without the
direct control connections to the monitor (or for monitors without these

That's it!

You will wish that your fingers were about 10 times smaller than they are,
however. :-)



IMAG0126.jpg IMAG0128.jpg IMAG0129.jpg IMAG0131.jpg IMAG0132.jpg IMAG0133.jpg

Personnes interessées

  • Fred, JB, Simon, François