Last modified on 31 May 2015, at 10:34

Raspberry Pi Weekend

Revision as of 10:34, 31 May 2015 by Rorist (Talk | contribs)

The Raspberry Pi weekend will be held on the 13-14th of June! Sign up here!

2 day event at FIXME, focused on exploring and playing with the Raspberry Pi. The idea is to organise a big RPi event with lots of talks, workshops, and projects for everyone, especially the public.

The events will be held in two places, the goal is to hold two talks/workshops at the same time. It still needs to be decided where these two places will be. Carmelo has given approval to accommodate 50-100 people.

Event ideas

  • Introduction to RPi
  • Downloading and setting up NOOBS
  • RPi history
  • Introduction to GPIO
  • Advanced GPIO
  • Command line basics
  • Introduction to scripting
  • Python basics
  • Introduction to programming with scratch
  • 3D printing RPi cases
  • Laser cutting RPi cases
  • Connecting LCD to RPI
  • Connecting camera to RPi
  • Connecting WiFi to RPi
  • Analog input/output on RPi
  • Project: LED controller
  • Project: weather station
  • Project: TL bus display
  • Project: something else that is cool
  • Project: infobeamer

More ideas on Pihunt


Rough interest expressed for participation during weekend:

  • Francois - playing with the RPi camera, possibly streaming if he can figure it out
  • Martin - introduction to gstreamer on RPi
  • Simon & Laura ( - something with occulus rift? their friend made a turtle tweeting pi
  • Max - xbmc media center set up, maybe something else
  • Oscar - bring 10~20 old laptops for event that were previously used at his office
  • Rorist - something
  • Pierre - creating your own NXT coin/FixmeCoin
  • Sasha - filling in parts that no one else is willing to do



Need to organise talks, components, sponsoring, food, and other important things.


Talks will be held in two tracks, with one track being held in the univercité meeting space, and another one being held in fixme (? - this still needs to be defined). There will also be a supervised hacking area in the workshop, where people can use soldering irons, play with breadboards and jumper cables, or hack away at something. The lounge area outside of fixme will serve as a buffer zone with food and drinks, potentially some things on sale (needs to be clarified).

Some people have already volunteered to give talks (see #Participants), please do not hesitate to add yourself to the list. Talks should be up to 30-60 minutes long, or up to 120 minutes long if it's a workshop. Taking into account a ~10 minute break between talks + 1h lunch break, there should be 15~25 talks and workshops throughout the weekend. From saturday evening through to whenever the last person leaves, there will be a RPi hackathon.


Find sponsoring for food and drinks. Look to see if there are any entities willing to lend keyboards + mice + displays for just the event. Possibly also find sponsoring so that we can offer various Raspberry Pi things to people who are interested.

  • Orange - sent on 11/04, waiting for response - although they normally sponsor only music and cinema events
  • SIL - to send on 11/04


Create a budget for purchasing components (see #Components), which will include 20-50 Raspberry Pi's (<2000 chf with shipping + taxes), various modules/sensors/etc for the Pi's, and a selection of jumper cables, breadboards, and other miscellaneous useful accessories. We will also need to find a bunch of displays (and dvi-hdmi adapters, possibly vga-hdmi too), mice, keyboards, network cables, and other things needed during setup.


Print flyers at ECAL/IRL/Ville de lausanne. Get a giant roll up poster that could eventually be re-used for other fixme events - this costs ~40€.


  • June 13/14: confirmed date


It would be nice to have some more RPi's that we can give to the public with a caution, as well as a wide selection of RPi sensors. We will also need to make sure to place this event in all of the calendars that univercite and hackuarium use to avoid confusion.