== Description ==
* First session of Android development class, focused on beginners.
* Date: 24 July 2012
* We looked into the pages 1-15, 23-26 from "[http://commonsware.com/Android/ The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development]"
== Content ==
* Installation and configuration of the SDK (a VM will be at disposal for others)
* Presentation of the base tools
* API and first application (Based on the [http://commonsware.com/ CommonsWare books])
=== Application ===
* Use the [https://github.com/commonsguy/cw-android/tree/master/Skeleton/Now skeleton app] from CommonsWare
* Import into eclipse:
** Finish
=== SDK Setup ===
The already installed VM can be found here: ftp://ftp.fixme.ch/free_for_all/VirtualMachines/FIXME-CoursAndroid.tgz
* Install Java/OpenJDK 1.6
** [http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html Install the Android Development Tools for Eclipse]
== Project leader ==
* [[User:Rorist]]
== Participants ==
* [[User:Nemen]]
== See also ==
* [[CoursAndroid2]]