
Revision as of 07:15, 11 February 2012 by Gcmalloc (Talk | contribs)

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Projects Proposition

The proposed projects are:

  • Merge patches and release new version of wiki2beamer
  • Pastebin application like sprung but based on flask
  • Adding patch to xchat otr.
  • Soundcloud plugin for mpd, should similar to the lastFM plugin.
  • Android app:
    • Record time slept.
    • Ssh remote (multimedia key, slide remote)
    • read only for etherpad formats
    • LDAP search
  • little game:
    • little to no graphic at all (sound driven game, or touch driven game)
    • platform game with open source sprite


  • Create a minimal pastebin


  • A pastebin app which has the following component
    • a [cabinet] database.
    • a api that can be easily adapted for quite any databases.
    • A webinterface using flask (python 2.7), and another using the http.server module
    • A very raw socket interface with direct access trough telnet.