How to create an event

Revision as of 22:46, 6 January 2014 by Rorist (Talk | contribs) (Plan the event)

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Questions to answer first

  • What is the topic? (i.e. Coding Night, Cryptoparty, Talk, Workshop, ...)
  • What is the target? (i.e. Fixme members, extern people, adults, children, ...)
  • What resources are required? (i.e. the hackerspace, electronics tools, electronics parts, ...)
  • Who can help me to organise? (i.e. things can be done faster/easier if you not try to do it alone)

Plan the event

  • Create a wiki page using the project template.
  • Get/Order the resources to be sure to get it on time.
  • Check the Fixme Event calendar to find possible dates for the event.
  • Open a doodle and spread the word on the mailing list (and IRC, weekmail, twitter, facebook, ...).
  • Select the most popular date (yes, it's obvious, I know...)

Communicate about the event

  • Think about a poster to promote your event (There is a poster template for Fixme events).
  • Once the date is known:
    • spread the info on the mailing list,
    • update the wiki page with this date,
    • update the topic on #Fixme IRC chan,
    • create an event on the Fixme Facebook page,
    • post the event and date on Twitter,
    • prepare a short description for the weekmail.