Mitch Altman soldering workshop
Revision as of 13:44, 8 May 2015 by Sasha (Talk | contribs) (Original information leading up to workshop, copied from trello)
Mitch Altman will be coming to FIXME on the 23rd of May to give one of his famous soldering workshops!
Workshop choices
You will be able to practice soldering by using one of the following kits that Mitch will bring along with Jimmie:
price | name | description |
€20 | TV-B-Gone keychain | turn off TVs in public places! |
€20 | TV-B-Gone kit | turn off TVs in public places at 50 meters away! |
€25 | Brain Machine kit | Meditate, Hallucinate, and Trip Out! (kit version of TripGlasses) |
€25 | Mignonette Game kit | make your own handheld game console! |
€10 for one €15 for two |
Trippy RGB Waves kit | interactive colored blinky lights art! |
€20 | LEDcube kit | make low-res 3D animations in a cube! |
€20 | MiniPOV kit | write messages in the air! |
€20 | "HELLO My Name Is..." Badge kit | Geeky version of the sticker -- your name in blinky-lights! |
€20 | MintyBoost kit | charge your USB enabled gadgets (including iPhones)! |
€20 | BoArduino kit | make your own fully functional Arduino -- for solderless breadboards! |
€20 | Diavolino kit | make your own fully functional Arduino -- with shield-compatible shape! |
€15 | programming and communications cable (FTDI Friend) | program your Arduino-compatible projects with Windows, MacOS, or Linux! |
€20 | Open Heart kit | animate fun patterns in the shape of a heart! |
€20 | LoL Shield kit | Lots of LEDs! for your Arduino! (superbright: red, green, white, or blue) |
€20 | Drawdio kit | make noise by drawing lines with this pencil! |
€25 | Atari Punk Console | Make music and lots of noise! |
€20 | microcontroller programmer kit (USBtinyISP) | program all your AVR family chips! |
€5 | Hackerspace Passport | Collect hackerspace "visa" stamps from hackerspaces around the world! |
€70 | NeuroDreamer sleep mask, Sleep version | Comfortably uses sound and light at brainwave frequencies to help you drift off to sleep... |
€70 | NeuroDreamer sleep mask, Lucid Dreaming version | Comfortably helps you sleep, then helps you control your dreams! |
€35 | Arduino For Total Newbies workshop kit | Learn Arduino by making TV-B-Gone as an example! |
We need to prepare the following items for his visit:
- 100 AA batteries
- 20 soldering iron stands would be nice
- 20 small sponges (can be cut into smaller ones)
- 10 extra soldering irons
- 20 small wire cutters
- Spool of 60/40 (Sn/Pb) rosin core solder
- Print a bunch of copies of the "Soldering is Easy" comic book in French and English (maybe see with IRL if they can print a few?)
We already have the following things:
- 8 soldering irons:
- 2 good soldering irons
- 5 soldering irons bought for previous workshop
- 1 unknown cheap soldering iron
- Unknown solder
- Several hot glue guns
- Several needle nose pliers
- At least one solder sucker
- Several wire strippers
- Several rolls of solder wick
- Several scissors
- Projector/microphone/internet