T-shirt FIXME

Revision as of 23:56, 28 August 2015 by CrazyGolem (Talk | contribs) (Crazygolem)


Printing companies

2015 batch

Your proposition

  • Design and description here


Proposition tshirt crazygolem.jpg

  • This is not the final design!
    • It should have 59 labeled "holes" (if I counted correctly)
    • Also it will probably have holes around the "FIXME" text too, instead of the frame
    • The circuits might be drawn as in real life (e.g. optimized for length or other factors unknown to me)
  • The design should be big enough to fill the t-shirt on the back, at least in width

The FIXME logo and text on the chest.


Version 1 - The Greedy

  • The hackerspace rocket, with the moto on the front
  • The FIXME text logo on the back
  • The head logo on the shoulders

Proposition tshirt rorist.svg

Version 2 - The Simple

  • The FIXME text logo on the front, on the heart
  • Hackerspace Lausanne text on the back

Proposition tshirt rorist2.svg

Version 3 - The Mateist

  • The FIXME text logo on the front, with the Mateist in the center
  • Hackerspace Lausanne text on the back

Proposition tshirt rorist3.svg

2012 batch

First proposition

Proposition tshirt.svg

  • It can be cool to have custom t-shirt for everyone with (IRC) nickname (or other string like HACKER, MAKER, ROOT, STAFF, TEAM, TROLL :) ) on the back, but it can be optionnal.
  • All remarks are welcome :)

Second proposition

We can realise a broderie polo for 21 Fr at http://www.art-image.ch/cgi-bin/marquages_textiles.php. I would propose to only have the fixme logo with fixme under it. They only make batch of 100 pieces.

Third proposition

  • This has been ordered on the on december 2012

File:Proposition tshirt2.svg Proposition tshirt3.svg Proposition tshirt4.svg Proposition tshirt5.svg Proposition tshirt6.svg

Order at Quotation Affirmatif90


Proposition tshirt6.svg Tshirt-final1.png

  • They did cost 13.70 CHF (Total TTC 404.73 Euro for 36 shirts)
Quantities Description P.U. Total
36 B&C 150 G 8.43 € 303.48 €
36 B&C 190 G 9.40 € 338.40 €


See also