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Soldering 101

905 bytes added, 18:36, 20 January 2012
Created page with "[[Category:Workshops]] == Intro to through-hole soldering == We will solder a blinking, customizable name tag. We will also discuss and explain the design and the theory of op..."

== Intro to through-hole soldering ==

We will solder a blinking, customizable name tag. We will also discuss and explain the design and the theory of operation.

== Circuit ==

* A discrete astable BJT multivibrator feeding into a johnson decade counter, which drives the LEDs directly.
* The counter can serve up to 10 segments.
* The LED matrix can partitioned partitioned arbitrarily column-wise: multiple columns can be grouped onto a single counter output.
* each counter output has one series current limiting resistor
* last (unused) counter output feeds back to reset
* multivibrator speed can be adjusted with a pot
* on/off switch?

== Components ==

* LED, $0.04650 @ 1000:
* CD74HC4017 decade counter, $0.4776 @ 50: