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1 byte removed, 18:11, 17 July 2015
/* Why would you care */
In a nutshell, my job --big part of it is volunteer work, please be excellent-- is to do as much as I can realistically do to keep every member/resident at UniverCité happy.<br>
Which means sometimes I have to say "no", and sometimes not everybody is happy. This doesn't mean I don't like you. It means community is about consensus and trade-offs.<br>
Talk to me if I said or wrote something that hurts you, please do so before going vocal about it with anybody else, and please keep in mind there is a faire fair chance I did so unintentionally. It tends to help fixing things faster, and it is way better for our respective stress levels on the long run too.<br>
'''You definitely need to talk to me before/when [[How_to_create_an_event%3F|planning an event]] at UniverCité'''. Because it helps everybody to plan for more, better events.<br>