2,581 bytes added,
18:24, 25 September 2011 ## Overview
The goal is to have a small, cheap, and powerful development board
that supports USB for easy programming, at low parts costs (current
estimate < $5). This allows us to use the board for all silly purposes
where spending >$20 for an Arduino is just too much. The board is like
the [http://pjrc.com/teensy/index.html Teensy], just with an ARM
microcontroller instead.
## Quick links
* [https://gitorious.org/usb-micro-proto/nucproto Project sources]
* [http://www.nuvoton.com/NuvotonMOSS/Community/ProductInfo.aspx?tp_GUID=5dbf7d7a-b6df-4fe1-91c9-063449500ce7 NUC homepage]
* [http://download.nuvoton.com/NuvotonMOSS/DownloadService/Member/DocumentsInfo.aspx?tp_GUID=DA00-NUMICRONUC100 Reference Manual]
* [https://silver.arm.com/download/download.tm?pv=1102513 ARMv6 Architecture Manual]
## Detailed Description
The board uses a
Nuvoton NUC120] 48-pin microcontroller which has an ARM Cortex-M0 CPU
32-bit CPU core. Features:
* up to 50MHz
* 32KKB-128KKB program flash, 4KKB-16KKB RAM, 4KKB data flash, 4KKB boot loader flash
* 2 UART, 1 SPI, 2 I2C, USB, 1 analog comparator, 4 PWM, 8 12-bit ADC channels
The board contains:
* USB A connector on board outline
* optional Mini-USB receptacle
* USB header connector for direct wire connections (e.g. inside PC)
* optional voltage regulator for external voltage (up to 13V)
* optional LiPo battery charger IC for battery operation
* LiPo charger can be driven from a solar panel
* SWD debug/programming header
* reset button
* 1 LED for binary debug/information display
## Project roadmap
### Hardware design
In beta state. Version 1 boards have been fabbed and need to be
tested and assembled
### Toolchain
Proprietary windows software is available, but we'd like to have
complete support with free software tools.
What works:
* gcc/binutils/gdb support ARM Cortex-M0
What needs work:
* Programming/Debugging: [http://openocd.berlios.de/web/ OpenOCD]
supposedly supports SWD. Needs to be confirmed what works.
* Need bootloader and programming software. Proprietary from Nuvoton available
* Tool library?
### Programming envionment
9* [http://leaflabs.com/docs/ide.html Maple IDE] by LeafLabs is a port of the Arduino IDE for ARM
* [http://leaflabs.com/docs/unix-toolchain.html LeafLabs command-line toolchain] might apply in parts, or at least inspire
* [https://github.com/esden/summon-arm-toolchain summon arm toolchain] builds an ARM toolchain
### Example projects
* Your idea here