Soumis par admin le jeu, 01/12/2012 - 20:28
Hi there,
Next events coming to your hackerspace at the beginning of the year are:
- 25th january 2012 (all day from 9am) - Mozilla CTF
A team is participating to the Mozilla hacking challenge event. Everybody is welcome to come to the hackerspace and participate. The event will be accessible for a quite large level of expertise.
More information on the Mozilla community wiki
- 27th january 2012 - Monthly Hacking Challenges - Ghost In The Shellcode
After the teaser, here comes the real deal! It's not a coincidence that GITS takes place on the exact day of our monthly hacking challenge event, so no excuse not to come at the hackerspace to participate and learn some nasty stuff. Not a lot of usefull information on website. Yes, that's a lot of negations for a promising CTF.
- 4th-5th february 2012 - FOSDEM
The most populare open source conference in europe is coming soon and a little delegation of FIXME is going to enjoy the beeers, hum the conferences in Brussels!
- 2nd March 2012 - Insomni'Hack
As it became an habits now, the swiss security company SCRT is organising its challenge based CTF named Insomni'Hack. It's now hosted in Geneva at HEPIA school, and preceded with an afternoon of interesting conferences.
![affiche Insomni'Hack 2012 - Crane plein de fils](