Here is a non-exhausive list of really great vim plugin:
= General === pathogen ==
For plugin management, after installing you can keep all your plugin in a ~/.vim/bundle. You can keep every plugin as a git depot for git-submodule management or similar. conque ==
A shell wrapper you can open a shell in a vim buffer simply with
:ConqueTerm ipython
:ConqueTerm zsh ack ==A simple shortcut to the ack command, a grep alternative specially designed for programmers.To search for all the source code for a word with some grep option by default. surround ==
add or remove surrounding, it support parenthesis opening and closing.
For example: "hello" to 'hello' with cs"' The-NERD-Tree ==A file browser in vim, easy way much better than the default one. auto-mkdir ==Automatically create the directory that doesn't exist yet when editing a new file.== minibufexplorer ==always see all opened buffer, change between them, see wich one are selected. snipmate ==Very good snipet utility, very easily scriptable.== superTab ==tab make the completion for everything, snipet completion too if you have snipmate== vim-powerline ==status-bar on cocaine, with svn, git status, encoding, end of line, and more== speedating ==Increment/Decrement date with ctrl+a/ctrl+x, works so well you will loose your calendar.Very handy to toggle build macro on top of it.== ZoomWin ==Maximize one window, then go back to the original layout = javascript === jslint ==a simple linter with the quick fix window support = css === css-color==add the color of every color tag as the background for example:html {color: blue}the background of blue will be blue = Python === Pydoc ==Works very well for the default cpython lib. will open a new buffer in a new window with the corresponding doc when completing.== Rope ==Renaming at project scope, changing element and moving code around. Works really great== Pyflake ==A simple linter with quick fix window support = Erlang === Vimerl ==The best plugin around for programming in erlang with vim