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(Current setup)
(Current setup: OpenToilet is shit !)
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* Building a FPV Drone: [http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=52863 HobbyKing Spec Class 250fpv]
* Building a FPV Drone
== Current setup ==
== Current setup ==
* [http://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.php?ecalc&lang=en&cooling=medium&rotornumber=4&config=flat&frame=250&weight=850&calc=auw&elevation=500&airtemp=25&qnh=1013&batteries=lipo_2100mah_-_20/30c&chargestate=6&s=3&p=1&esc=0&esccont=12&escmax=12&escri=0.015&escweight=10&motor=0&type=0&motorkv=2300&motorio=0.5&motorvio=10&motorlimit=49&motorlimittype=w&motorri=0.405&motorlength=15&motorpoles=12&motorweight=15.5&gear=1&propeller=0&pconst=1.3&tconst=1.0&proptwist=0&diameter=5&pitch=3&blades=3 Power calculator]
* [http://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.php?ecalc&lang=en&cooling=medium&rotornumber=4&config=flat&frame=250&tiltlimit=90&weight=515&calc=auw&elevation=500&airtemp=25&qnh=1013&batteries=0&battcap=1300&battri=0.0107&battv=3.7&battccont=35&battcmax=60&battweight=38.6&chargestate=0&s=3&p=1&esc=0&esccont=12&escmax=12&escri=0.015&escweight=10&motor=dys&type=78%7Cbe1806-2300&gear=1&propeller=0&pconst=1.13&tconst=1.0&proptwist=0&diameter=5&pitch=3&blades=2&project=Quad250 Power calculator]
* Motor: [http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__66424__Turnigy_Multistar_1704_2300Kv_12_Pole_Multi_Rotor_Outrunner_V2.html?strSearch=multistar%201704 4.4A max, 2-3s lipo, max 49W]
* ESC [http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__55241__Afro_ESC_12Amp_Ultra_Lite_Multi_rotor_Motor_Speed_Controller_SimonK_Firmware_Version_3.html Afro 12A SimonK (2-4s lipo), BEC: 0.5A Linear 5.0v]
* Frame: [http://fpvracing.ch/en/frames/213-nighthawk-250-pro-v2-cf-frame-red.html Nighthawk 250 Pro V2 CF]
* FCU: CC3D Atom
* ESC: [http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__55241__Afro_ESC_12Amp_Ultra_Lite_Multi_rotor_Motor_Speed_Controller_SimonK_Firmware_Version_3.html Afro 12A SimonK (2-4s lipo), BEC: 0.5A Linear 5.0v]
* Batteries
* Motor: [http://www.banggood.com/DYS-BE1806-2300KV-Brushless-Motor-2-3S-for-Mini-Multicopters-p-933192.html DYS BE1806 2300KV]
** 11.1V 3S 1800mAh 20C
* Props:
** 11.1V 3S 1000mAh XXC
** 2 blades: [http://fpvracing.ch/en/propellers/255-gemfan-5030-abs-propellers-one-pair-cw-ccw-black.html Gemfan 5030]
** 14.8V 4S 1800mAh 25C (non usable with these motors)
** 3 blades (unused): [http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__23462__5030_green_Three_Blade_Propeller_CCW_ABS_3pc_.html Gemfan 5030]
* FPV Camera:  1/3 Sony CCD 7-13V (3S) current ?
* <s>FCU: CC3D Evo 4.8-15V 70mA</s> -> NAZE32
* FPV Transmitter: 7-24V 190mA
* Batteries: Lots of 1300mAh 30-60C 3S
* Receiver: current ?
* [http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__65997__Skyzone_Plug_N_Play_FPV_200_Set_With_TS5823_TX_RC832_RX_Sony_CCD_and_Circular_Polarized_Antennas.html FPV]
** FPV Camera:  1/3 Sony CCD 7-13V (3S) current 70mA
** FPV Transmitter: 7-24V 190mA [http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uploads/808882987X53414X25.pdf manual] -> FR1 CH8
** Video Receiver: current 12V 200mA
* [http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__78125__Quanum_DIY_FPV_Goggle_V2_w_5_inch_LCD_Monitor_Kit_.html Video "goggles"]
* Weight: 515g w/ battery (60C)
=== Upgrade planning ===
* Props 5045
* better frame
** expensive 150$ http://www.minihquad.com/frames/blackout-mini-h-quad/
** cheap 20$-40$
*** fiber glass http://www.banggood.com/ZMR250-H250-250mm-Fiberglass-Mini-Quadcopter-Multicopter-Frame-Kit-p-933189.html
*** carbon http://www.banggood.com/H250-ZMR250-250mm-Carbon-Fiber-Mini-Quadcopter-Multicopter-Frame-Kit-p-933185.html
* Better FPV antennas, stock are shitty with Skyzone kit (according to comments on HK)
* Motor: [http://fpvracing.ch/en/motors/64-emax-mt1806-2280kv-cw.html EMAX MT2204 2300KV] 7.5A, 2-3s, max 90W
=== Old setup ===
* Frame: [http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=52863 HobbyKing Spec Class 250fpv]
* Motor: [http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__66414__Turnigy_Multistar_1704_1900Kv_12_Pole_Multi_Rotor_Outrunner_V2.html?strSearch=1704%201900 4.4A max, 2-3s lipo, max 49W]
* FCU: CC3D Atom 4.8-15V 70mA
== Assembly ==
== Assembly ==
=== Frame ===
=== Frame ===
* Basic assembly guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8ALzUluyXM
* Basic assembly guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8ALzUluyXM
* An other assembly guide: http://www.cardella.tk/2014/09/fpv250-quadcopter-build.html
=== Configure FCU: CC3D Atom ===
=== Configure FCU: CC3D Atom ===
* Install OpenPilot GCS in an Ubuntu 15.04 chroot https://wiki.openpilot.org/display/WIKI/Downloading+and+Installing+the+Ground+Control+Station
* Install OpenPilot GCS (install of openpilot fails but openpilotgcs is working) https://wiki.openpilot.org/display/WIKI/Downloading+and+Installing+the+Ground+Control+Station
* Hardware setup: https://wiki.openpilot.org/display/WIKI/CopterControl+-+CC3D+-+Atom+Hardware+Setup
* Hardware setup: https://wiki.openpilot.org/display/WIKI/CopterControl+-+CC3D+-+Atom+Hardware+Setup
* Full introduction to building a quad with the CC3D https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYsWjANuAm4r-E61stLchCR4bzY3NmDNh
* Full introduction to building a quad with the CC3D https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYsWjANuAm4r-E61stLchCR4bzY3NmDNh
* Flash CleanFlight is very easy, via USB: http://nathan.vertile.com/blog/2015/04/27/flash-cleanflight-on-cc3d/
=== Batteries ===
=== Batteries ===
* https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/wiki/power
* https://www.reddit.com/r/Multicopter/wiki/power
* LiPo are dangerous! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCWdnjLqVWw
* C rating : the higher, the higher current you can draw http://www.rcheliwiki.com/C_rating
* C rating : the higher, the higher current you can draw http://www.rcheliwiki.com/C_rating
* S is the number of cells, and is representing the tension (1S=3.7V, 2S=7.4, 3S=11.1V, ...)
** C*Capacity in Ah=Current
** Current: 20C * 2.2Ah = 44A
** Power: 44A * 11.1V = 488.4W
* S is the number of cells in series, and is representing the tension (1S=3.7V, 2S=7.4, 3S=11.1V, ...). P is in parallel. Usually LiPo are in series and P=1
* Balancing: Cells need to be a the same charge level so we can avoid overcharging.
* Balancing: Cells need to be a the same charge level so we can avoid overcharging.
** It's a good idea to always use the balance mode to charge a multiple cells battery
** It's a good idea to always use the balance mode to charge a multiple cells battery
** http://www.rcheliwiki.com/Balance_charger
** http://www.rcheliwiki.com/Balance_charger
** Use the charger to check and rebalance cells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AChoy_PsVEg
** Use the charger to check and rebalance cells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AChoy_PsVEg
** A good trick to test is to charge the cells individually using the balance cable, it's much faster than the balance mode that needs to discharge overcharged cells a lot
=== Issue/Fix/WIP ===
* <s>Having some problems with the vTX right now, apparently at full throttle. Electrical perturbations ?</s> Good, got some new [http://fpvracing.ch/en/fpv-accessories/87-circular-polarized-58ghz-antenna.html? antennas]
* [http://blog.oscarliang.net/lc-filter-fpv/ What is LC Filter and How it improve FPV experience]
== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==
* 1st flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCSfAMZ6bm0
* 1st flight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCSfAMZ6bm0
* FPV Camera setup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNmkK1-EYYc
=== V1 Hobbking frame ===
File:drone3.jpg|cabling is hard
File:drone4.jpg|1st build
File:drone6.jpg|fpv tests
File:drone7.jpg|rebuilt everything, better antenna placement, battery cables, fix the feet, ...
File:Broken arm 2015-08-02 19-32.jpg|Broken an arm trying to roll
File:Fixed arm 2015-08-02 19-33.jpg|Arm fixed using epoxy, flying well, we'll see if it handles vibrations and the next crash
=== V2 Nighthawk CF ===
File:V2 with Nighthawk frame 2015-08-07 23-58.jpg|V2 because HK frame broke again after ~10 landings, CF frame, looks nice (not tested yet)
File:August 2015 quad 2015-08-26 08-01.jpg
File:Nighthawk v2-1 top 2015-09-03 14-22.jpg|V2.1 Cleaner build, new motors, new VTX, new FC
File:Nighthawk v2-1 2015-09-03 14-21.jpg|V2.1
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Drone]]
* [[Drone]]

Latest revision as of 02:44, 11 April 2016

  • Building a FPV Drone

Current setup


Upgrade planning

Old setup



Configure FCU: CC3D Atom




V1 Hobbking frame

V2 Nighthawk CF

See also