Last modified on 12 June 2015, at 16:28

Long Andre

Revision as of 16:28, 12 June 2015 by Leo 037 (Talk | contribs) (Context)


  • cargo bikes overview, a "longjohn"-type cargo bike
    • has 2 wheels (1st column) and the load is placed in front of the rider, as low as possible, with the front wheel further forward
    • all types of load ("loads", "loads and kids", "kids", "advertisement", "selling", etc.) are known to have been successfully transported with longjohns (therefore there is one longjohn icon in each not-empty cell of the 1st column)
  • longjohns are probably the most-common type of cargo bikes
    • they are described and discussed at the following pages: en.wikipedia, de.wikipedia,
    • they tend to benefit from the following advantages: low center of gravity, good handling, moderate length and especially width, load is easily visible by rider, transmission is the same as for a normal bicycle
    • they may suffer from the following drawbacks: steering is achieved through a mechanism that adds complexity (and price) compared to cargo bikes types such as long tail, load size is somehow limited, load weight is limited compared to vehicles with 3 wheels or more (due to resistance and also to the lack of inherent stability)
  • [Werkstatt Lastenrad, André Frieboese, Long André]
  • This is not a typical Hackerspace project, but more a typical project for the very young UCmakerspace.



  • make a 1st working prototype of a Long André
  • organize Long André manufacturing workshops


  • documentation must be translated first (pending)


  • BOM & list of needed tools are the first things that will be translated
  • Documentation has almost the status of a component...


A BikeBench is a jig / workbench for bicycle-based creations, designed and implemented by Thomas Viebach from Werkstatt Lastenrad.


Long-André: description en français page


  • Opening: May 2015
  • Ending: ?


  • Léonard (Leader, UCmakerspace guest)
  • Marc Wettstein (UCmakerspace boss)
  • The Werkstatt Lastenrad people in Germany, with whom emails are being exchanged: Christophe Vaillant, André Frieböse, Tom Hansing, Thomas Viebach