

2,573 bytes added, 14:06, 30 December 2021
/* Compatible Hardware */
== References ==
* http
* Table d'allocation en CH
=== Compatible Hardware ===
=== RTL-SDR Calibration ===
=== Antenna Setup ===
== SDR at FIXME ==
We currently have two '''rtl_tcp''' instances running at FIXME:
* ( ([ Raspberry PI], west window, MC's homemade VHF antenna)
* (FIXME's internal server, north window, original UHF antenna)
=== Service ===
== SDR Softwares ==
=== SDR++===
* Simple and bloat free
=== Quisk ===
=== RTL-SDR ===
==== Debian Packages ====
<pre>apt intsall rtl-sdr</pre> ==== Sources ========= Requirement =====
sudo apt-get install gitsudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-devsudo apt-get install cmakesudo apt-get install build-essential
===== Build =====
git clone git://
The test bellow is for a E4000 dongle.
sdr@alix2:~$ rtl_test -t
Found 1 device(s):
0: Terratec T Stick PLUS
or for other dongle
$ rtl_test
Found 1 device(s):
0: NOXON, DAB Stick, SN: 0
Using device 0: Terratec Fraunhofer DAB Stick
Found Fitipower FC0013 tuner
Supported gain values (23): -9.9 -7.3 -6.5 -6.3 -6.0 -5.8 -5.4 5.8 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.8 7.0 7.1 17.9 18.1 18.2 18.4 18.6 18.8 19.1 19.7
Sampling at 2048000 S/s.
Info: This tool will continuously read from the device, and report if
samples get lost. If you observe no further output, everything is fine.
Reading samples in async mode...
==== Use rtl_tcp ====
=== Calibration ===
Pour utiliser la grande partie des logiciel SDR il faut faire une calibration
==== Requirement ====
sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf automake libfftw3-dev
==== Installation ====
git clone
cd kalibrate-rtl/
sudo make install
You may need to run this if you encounter some reference errors on Raspberry Pi:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH='/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkgconfig/'
==== Usage ====
On utilise les fréquences du GSM-900
# kal -e 22 -s 900
Found 1 device(s):
0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 270833.002142 Hz
kal: Scanning for GSM-900 base stations.
chan: 9 (936.8MHz + 22.294kHz) power: 52744.70
chan: 11 (937.2MHz + 22.198kHz) power: 148897.40
chan: 48 (944.6MHz + 21.298kHz) power: 64839.80
chan: 50 (945.0MHz + 21.360kHz) power: 76421.47
chan: 66 (948.2MHz + 21.020kHz) power: 100342.53
chan: 68 (948.6MHz + 21.109kHz) power: 148650.05
chan: 74 (949.8MHz + 21.369kHz) power: 57399.97
# kal -e 22 -c 80 -v
Found 1 device(s):
0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Exact sample rate is: 270833.002142 Hz
kal: Calculating clock frequency offset.
=== SDR# ===
==== Requirement ====
sudo apt-get install libqt4-devsudo apt-get install libpulse-dev
==== Requirement ====
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-devsudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
==== Installation ====
#Download software ACARS decoder from [httphttps://sourceforgegithub.netcom/projectsTLeconte/acarsdec/]
wget httpgit clone https://sourceforgegithub.netcom/projectsTLeconte/acarsdec/files/latest/downloadtar xvzf download.gitcd acarsdec-3.2/
Modifier l'entête du fichier Makefile
# See READMEfor compiler options#CFLAGS= -Ofast -msse2 -funroll-loops -pthread -D WITH_RTL -D WITH_ALSA-D WITH_SNDFILECFLAGS#LDLIBS= -Ofast lm -mfpu=vfpv4 pthread -funrolllrtlsdr -loops lasound -lsndfile # Airspy conf# CFLAGS= -Ofast -pthread -D WITH_RTL WITH_AIR -I. `pkg-config --cflags libairspy`#CFLAGSLDLIBS= -Ofast lm -mfpu=neonpthread `pkg-vfpv4 config -funroll-loops libs libairspy` -lusb-1.0 # RTL only confCFLAGS= -Ofast -pthread -D WITH_RTL -I. `pkgLDLIBS= -config lm -pthread -cflags libairspy`lrtlsdr
Lancer la command make
# add line :
./acarsdec -p o 2 -8 l message-acars.txt -r 0 131.525 131.550 131.725 131.825 -l message-acars.txt &
chmod u+rwx run-acars
* [[User:Mc]]
* [[User:Francois]]
* [[User:Rorist]]
* [[User:Maurice809]]
* [[User:Masoud]]