== API ==
There is a simple mpd api which will get bigger with the time. If you want to participate or add something, just send [[User:gcmalloc|gcmalloc]] a ping.
for the time those are the avalable option :
for the time those are the avalable option :
* http://mpd.fixme.ch/api/next :go to the next song in the playlist
* http://mpd.fixme.ch//api/previous :go to the previous song in the playlist
* http://mpd.fixme.ch :information on the current track
* http://mpd.fixme.ch/api/file :download the current file* http://mpd.fixme.ch/next :go to the next song in the playlist* http://mpd.fixme.ch/previous :go to the previous song in the playlist
* http://mpd.fixme.ch/stats :return general stat on the mpd daemon