**Playing Go (Tournaments and Teaching)
'''Ongoing Projects :'''
**<s>Moving out of my actual appartment ! (I will move twice this summer so my projects won't be my number one priority)</s> Done !**Creating my own electronic development&repair company (It will be there before the end of the year so my projects won't be my number one priority)**<s>PC2JAMMA (Ongoing... will be finished shortly)</s> Done !**<s>Cocktail Arcade Table Restoration (CRT needs to be repaired, the rest is details) [http://www.ricardo.ch/kaufen/sammeln-und-seltenes/spiel-und-musikautomaten/sonstige/video-spiel-tisch-donke-kong-jr/v/an680148962/ Donkey Kong Jr] I Bought it for 1 CHF !!! WOW !!!</s> Done !
**Making my own arcade PCB (a recent one like the CAVE CV1000 would be great ! or something based on a 68k, edit: this will surely be ARM based + FPGA)
**This summer + year to come : Programming : a Danmaku (manic shooter, bullet hell) on iOS <s>or XboxLive</s> (will be a Heroic Fantasy Magic Punk Danmaku, like ESP Ra De with a D&D setting)
**Soon : RFID Door-Lock
**<s>Atari Lynx II repair (to do: get sound, everything else is done)</s> Done !
**CF based SNES cart (to do: almost everything, choose FPGA or uC, make PCB, use Voltage-Translators, programming, making a little OS, design the cart etc... done : familiarize with CF & SNES specs, block schematics)
'''What I may be able teach :''' (mostly basic stuff but useful stuff)