

153 bytes added, 08:37, 12 January 2012
social networking is still possible
* some other bot (log_bot?) can generate [ MRTG graphs] and update the cache database on the same occasion. MRTG config can of course be generated automatically and graphs included in the GUI.
* The Fuse inteface, if needed, should also be implemented as a bot. Simply specify where to mount the filesystem, connect your bot, you're done. No need to have a modified jabberd and the resulting filesystem can be mounted on any host. Any interface of this type (read: local interface, as opposed to html-based) should not talk directly to HALs, but communicate with a bot (ctrl_bot?) that has access to the cache database.
* in case you ''really'' want to notify your friends through twitter, facebook or whatever else, create a bot and make it subscribe to particular events
it was suggested to use IRC for communication, but device description is be greatly improved through use of XML and XMPP is just that. AFAIK, IRC does not have a PubSub mechanism.