*** Summary: although we didn't produce any production ready code, we never the less came up with multiple proof of concepts
*** Success: ✓
** gcmalloc
*** Easy merging for git branches.
*** Two japanese brothers with funny names.
*** Refreshing my socket programming fu.
*** A new way to check my code trough pylint.
*** Definition of the project and definition of a simple api.
** Rorist
*** Python 3 library still hard to find, some changes are kind of tricky (strings/bytes)
*** It's hard to incorporate everyone in the coding process with different level of programming (Oliv felt a little bit left over)
*** We had very good ideas, but we should have limited our self to the basics
*** I'm a slow thinker, sometimes hard to follow speedy gcmalloc and esc :)
*** Met a nice guy (coming from techup.ch) who had nice ideas and acted as some sort of complement project manager
*** ...