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21:19, 19 February 2012 = How do I create a new Debian squeeze x86_64 VM? =
* <code>$ virt-manager</code>
* Add Connection: ''qemu+ssh://sysadmin@foo.fixme.ch:1337/system''
* Right-click on ''foo.fixme.ch (QEMU)'' -> New
* Enter VM name -> Forward
* Choose installation ISO image: /var/lib/libvirt/images/debian-6.0.4-amd64-CD-1.iso
* Choose OS Type and Version: Debian Squeeze -> Forward
* Choose Memory and CPU settings (be nice to other users on the same server!)
* Chosse storage size
* Select network type:
** NAT or
** br0 bridge (FIXME public network)
* Finish!
* Proceed to regular Debian installation procedure