
Suggestion box

1 byte added, 09:24, 27 March 2012
/* Suggestions */
* Hack FIXME: Try to hack FIXME services ([[Internal_Server]], website, [[Network]], ...) --[[User:Rorist|Rorist]] 21:30, 16 March 2012 (CET)
* iPhone Repair: Come one evening to see the intriguing process of repairing iPhones (or iPhones/iPads), and have a chance to repair your own! --[[User:Sasha|Sasha]] 10:10, 16 March 2012 (CET)
* Evenja - Quantum Programming. A new way to think softwares, with current Objects Oriented compilers and tools.INfos Infos : [] [[User:Fabian|Fabian]] 10:41, 27 March 2012 (CET)