
Suggestion box

210 bytes added, 02:16, 19 May 2012
/* Suggestions */ history page
* iPhone Repair: Come one evening to see the intriguing process of repairing iPhones (or iPhones/iPads), and have a chance to repair your own! --[[User:Sasha|Sasha]] 10:10, 16 March 2012 (CET)
* Evenja - Quantum Programming. A new way to think softwares, with current Objects Oriented compilers and tools. Infos : [] [[User:Fabian|Fabian]] 10:41, 27 March 2012 (CET)
* Make a "history" page on the wiki, a page about how everything started how its going etc... I couldn't find much information on the "about" website page --[[User:Wertenbr|Wertenbr]] 04:16, 19 May 2012 (CEST)
* Find/Buy: Ceramic end Tweezers, Flat Pliers, Wire Stripper (from AWG18 to AWG30), Flux (for SMD soldering) + seringes, maybe wire wrapping tools (they are really expensive...)
** I will bring a set of 8 Pliers on monday 21.05.12 --[[User:Wertenbr|Wertenbr]] 04:10, 19 May 2012 (CEST)