
Tron Restore

922 bytes added, 01:25, 4 March 2018
= Description =
We salvaged a 1982 Tron arcade, of which the motherboard is fried. The goal is to make it work using a normal computer inside the tron and with the MAME emulator.
* <s>The project code on Gitorious wasGitorious</s>
* Tron manual: [[File:Tron.pdf]]
* SSH acces2018: ssh fixme@tronThe Tron has been reinstalled using a Raspberry Pi 3 and Retropie.fixmeIt's now on 192.ch168.130.187. You can upload roms on smb:// without password
= Screen =
== Connection ==
FIXME: Schematic of the connection
Screen pin-out:
Raspi3 HDMI - HDMI-to-VGA converter - GBS-8100 VGA-to-CGA - Arcrade monitor
[[File:GBS-8100 VGA-CGA Manual.pdf]]
J2 - 9 pin (MONITOR)
1 - RED
2 - GND
4 - GND
5 - BLUE
6 - GND
7 - KEY
8 - /HBLNK
9 - /VBLNK
== Graphic Card ==
You want to change the game? Press both buttons, the trigger, and move the joystick UP!
= Controls =
* Using a Teensy board
* Using a [|Ultimarc I-PAC]
* Wheel problematic
= Audio =
The audio amp is alimented by the computer power supply (+12V DC).
== Volume Control ==
To change the volume:
# Open a terminal with: Ctrl+Alt+F2
# Login
# Change the volume with the command: alsamixer
# Return to the game with Ctrl+Alt+F7
= MAME =
* [ Wells Gardner 19K4906]
* Autocollants originaux:
* Manette originale'originale est noire, d'après BinaryBrain)
* Exemple de restauration:
* Pour accepter la monnaie: [ CoinDoor]
* J'ai court-circuité /PSON et GND, histoire que la machine soit moins galère à allumer. (Censé booter tout seul, mais non... faut toujours appuyer sur le uswitch sur le petit PCB dans la coinbox)
* Si la machine est freezée après un message "GPIO uninitialized", verifier que des touches du claviers ne sont pas coincées, et hard-reboot
= Remote Access (SSH) =
Remote access is back with wireless connectivity!
It is connected to the `FIXME-NAT` network (
= Revival =
= Personnes interessées =
* Fred, JB, Simon, François, Arnaud
ControlGroup, administrator