= Sensor Nodes =
The goal is to have a working, mesh network of sensors (i.e. light, temperature, presence) and actuators (motors to open / close a window, turn lights on and off, etc.).
The solution is centred around a '''raspberry pi''' that has a '''NRF24L01+''' chip, and works as a central point for gathering all of the data received via the radio. It then builds a webpage transmitting the data in real time and then rules are applied so that we can say, activate one motor if the value of a sensor is below 20°
The nodes are based on the '''ATTiny85''' AVR micro-controller and another NRF24L01+ chip.
== Parts ==
* x + 1 NRF24L10+ chips, where x is the number of nodes
* x ATTiny
* Tool to flash the ATTiny, this can either be an arduino (using the [https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP Arduino as ISP] sketch) or a dedicated AVR USB programmer
== Sensors ==