
Revision as of 16:50, 31 May 2015 by Leo 037 (Talk | contribs) (Goal)

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  • A jig / workbench for bicycle-based creations, in particular the Long André cargo bike.
  • So far, everything is simply translated from Werkstatt Lastenrad's BikeBench wiki page. Thomas Viebach is behind it and was almost contacted (not contacted in the end because there isn't much to ask and already 3 people from Werkstatt Lastenrad were contacted and we need to get going now).


  • Make (one or) several BikeBenches in order to later make Long Andrés (and possibly other bicycle-based creations, although it is not being planned yet)
  • Currently, the idea is to make 3 BikeBenches at once, right away.
    • BikeBenches are expected to be relatively simple to make, whereas Long Andrés are expected to be challenging to make.
    • The plan would be to make one Long André prototype, and then start making batches of 3 Long Andrés at once, possibly with 1 out of 3 that somehow fails. 3 BikeBenches thus sound like a reasonable number.
    • As jigs/workbenches, BikeBenches could also be used for other purposes than making bicycle-based creations, requiring little to no additions.


  • documentation must be translated first (pending)


  • BOM & list of needed tools are the first things that will be translated
  • Documentation has almost the status of a component... very soon, access to the Werstatt Lastenrad wiki will be obtained and the key stuff will be translated there (and linked from here presumably). Meanwhile, the first things are being translated here.

Matériel requis pour le BikeBench

see page


  • Opening: May 2015
  • Ending: ?


  • Léonard (Leader, UCmakerspace guest)
  • Marc Wettstein (UCmakerspace boss)
  • The Werkstatt Lastenrad people in Germany, with whom emails are being exchanged: Christophe Vaillant, André Frieböse, Tom Hansing, Thomas Viebach