- A jig / workbench for bicycle-based creations, in particular the Long André cargo bike.
- So far, everything is simply being translated to French from Werkstatt Lastenrad's BikeBench wiki page (original, German).
- Thomas Viebach is the person behind it and was almost contacted. He was not contacted in the end because there isn't much to ask and already 3 people from Werkstatt Lastenrad were contacted and we need to get going now.
- Make (one or) several BikeBenches in order to later make Long Andrés (and possibly other bicycle-based creations, although it is not being planned yet)
- Currently, the idea is to make 3 BikeBenches at once, right away.
- BikeBenches are expected to be relatively simple to make, whereas Long Andrés are expected to be challenging to make.
- The plan would be to make one Long André prototype, and then start making batches of 3 Long Andrés at once, possibly with 1 out of 3 that somehow fails. 3 BikeBenches thus sound like a reasonable number.
- As jigs/workbenches, BikeBenches could also be used for other purposes than making bicycle-based creations, requiring little to no additions.
- documentation must be translated first (pending)
Matériel requis pour le BikeBench
see page
- post à souder (conseillé MAG)
- scie à métaux ou meuleuse d'angle
- perceuse
- perceuse à colonne
- tarauds M8 et M10
- étaux à angle ou des étaux à cadre (Winkel- oder Rahmen-Zwingen)
- protections oculaires, lime, compas, pointeau, marteau, ...
Matière pour 3 BikeBenches:
- 2x 6 m de profil carré 40 x 40 x 3 mm: sera probablement substitué par du 40 x 40 x 1,5 mm (le même que pour le Long André)
- 6 m de profil carré 45 x 45 x 2 mm
- 42 vis six pans M8 x 20 mm
- 42 écrous M8 à souder
- 3 vis six pans M10 x 25 mm
- 3 écrous M8 à souder
- 3 morceaux de tôle 40 x 40 x 3 mm
- 3 axe de roue avant + écrous correspondants
- 3 axe de roue arrière + écrous correspondants
- 0,6 m de tube rond 12 x 1 mm
- Opening: May 2015
- Ending: ?
- Léonard (Leader, UCmakerspace guest)
- Marc Wettstein (UCmakerspace boss)
- The Werkstatt Lastenrad people in Germany, with whom emails are being exchanged: Christophe Vaillant, André Frieböse, Tom Hansing, Thomas Viebach