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Full adder

571 bytes added, 20:37, 14 May 2012
From this chip, we would like to make a adder. It is one of the basic component of everyCPU. It's use is to have two bits. They represent a state either 1 or 0. We will add them with the following scheme :
1 + 1 = 10
1 + 0 = 01
0 + 1 = 01
0 + 0 = 00
^ this bit is the first bit we add, we will call it A later on.
^ this bit is the second bit we add, we will call it B later on.
^ this bit is the most significant bit. We call it C1 later on.
^ this bit is the least significant bit. We call it C0 later on.
Just follow the
== What is happening there ? ==