Home brew Beers
From Fixme.ch
We are going to try to make our own home Beer. The project contain two main part: One from the Beer kit that is already at the hackerspace, the other is in development. As the goal is to do it in the next few week, we can take benefit of the winter for the lagerisation. The main part of the making of beer is shown below:
- The making of the Mash: mixing the barley malt with water at 62°C to transfer big sugar chain in the barley to small sugar molecules in the water.
- filtering
- The addition of hop (for more informations, see this page) that will add bitterness and prevent the development of bacteria
- filtering
- adding of yeast: two sort of yeast can be used, Saccaromyces cerevisae and Saccaromyces Carlsbergensis. Litteraly the mushroom that eat sugar and gives you ale and the one that gives you Carlsberg (the beer, not the son of J-C Jacobsen, he was not that ugly) Cerevisae goes up to 12° in alcool and Carlsberg up to 5° sparing more sugar.
- fermentation
- Bottling
- re-fermentation+lagerisation
- Drinking
Additional details: As it's the simpliest ale to do we'll do amber ale, the bottling will be done after all digestible sugar has been transformed into alcool and SMALL amount of sugar will be added just before the bootling to make sure the beer will foam a bit.
Needed Components
Beer bottles with mechanical seal -
A thermometer - A large saucepan
- A heater
A fridge to maintan beer brew at 10c°Thanks to David!!
- We got a tank for the fermentation. The max capacity is 100L meaning that we can go up to 80L without risk of overflow. The system has been already tested for wine fabrication.
- We can ask to borrow a large saucepan with its heater but no longer than 1 or 2 week.
- We are waiting for the malt extract, the yeast etc. to be send from sios.ch.
- Clean bottles (1 evening)
- Mixture (1 evening)
- 1st ferment (14 days)
- Bottle up (1 evening)
- Rest for 7 days
- 2nd ferment (8 weeks)
- furniture: sios.ch
- Recette: http://baiserdelaprincesse.com/
Making how-to: File:Procédure bière.pdf - Kit and beers mix ordering: http://www.bierselberbrauen.ch/Bier_von_Dir/index.htm
- Beer brewing with Opensource: http://brewtarget.sourceforge.net/
Project Owner
Fred & Simon
People involved
- Simon
- Fred
- JB
- Olivier
- Marc
- eric_st
- David L.