RFID Doorlock
From Fixme.ch
- Build an RFID doorlock for the hackerspace. This doorlock could tweet when the space is open to alert members.
- Version 1 Source code
Version 3
- Current version in production
git clone ssh://gitolite@git.fixme.ch:1337/doorlock-v3
Version 2
What we want
- RFID to open the door (like now).
- Remote control the door (Open the door for people without RFID card).
- Add/Remove RFID tags without reprogramming (LDAP connection and SD card cache).
- Auto-close to not forget to close.
What we have
- RFID antenna
- Electro-magnet lock
- SD card breakout board
- Ethernet ENC28J60 breakout board
- LEDs
- Arduino (supposed to have one)
What we need
- Enthousiastic people! :)
Version 1
- Test electronic + software (on breadboard) for tweeting accordint to a RFID Tag
- Design and build mechanic fixation on door
- Design and test electronic + software (on breadboard) for the mechanic fixation on door
- Create PCB for electronic
- Start using it ;-)
- RFID Reader: Parallax RFID Reader Serial
- An mbed board with Ethernet
- We use this lock: TSE 4001 Home
Evolution perspectives
- Remote database
Add buttons or mechanism to choose open duration time (The space is open for approximatly x hours), like 3 buttons (1h, 3h, 5h) - Picture of the person who opened the door
- Android application using NFC, acting like a passive rfid tag. Is it possible ?
- "Card emulation" mode http://developer.android.com/reference/android/nfc/tech/NfcV.html
- Apparently in Gingerbread but not ICS
- Patch for CM http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1281946
- NDEF Push in NFCManagerwith Custom NDEFMessage
- http://nfc.android.com/
- http://developer.android.com/reference/android/nfc/package-summary.html
- http://www.google.com/events/io/2011/sessions/how-to-nfc.html
- Open Access Control
- RFID Tweeter
- Various Hackerspaces Doorlocks
- iButton is opening doors at the TkkrLab
- Interactive Door as seen by chinese hackers
Pour ceux qui aimerait lire leur(s) badge(s) RFID à l'aide d'un carte ARDUINO et d'une carte Parallaxe, voici un petit code a dispo : File:Lecteur RFID.c
- carte ARDUINO
- carte RFID
- cables
- your badge !!!
Project Leader
- To be defined
- To be defined