

45 bytes added, 22:56, 26 February 2023
/* Build Your Own */
There is many possible ways to build your own Orbital structure. Beside electronics, the most important thing you'll need is a way to have a circle of addressable LEDs.
== Orbital FIXME ==
For our hackerspace version, we've build this circle using flat aluminum extrusions (3 pieces of 1.70m, bolted together) and zip-tying some flexible LED strip to these extrusions. This gives you a sturdier circle but is still quite flexible so you'll have to attach it in multiple points.
File:Orbital-stucture-installed-on.jpg|And we have light!
== Orbital Portable ==
For Orbital Portable, we thought carrying a 1.60m diameter circle was annoying, so we created a Japanese fan-like wooden structure to form an 8-arms star. We then placed the LED strip inside a nice silicon diffuser to give it some rigidity and hold it in 8 points using aluminum brackets.