Joule Thief

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  • Learn a way to use end of life batteries


  • You should already have done something on breadboard, it would make your life easier. But it's still nice as an introduction to it.


  • A ferrite core
  • Some cable to do the solenoide
  • a resistor (We don't really care about the ohm, between 100 and 400 should do the trick :))
  • a simple led triggered by 1.4 volts
  • a PNP transistor (in this case the 2N3904)
  • The component are in the green box

Green box.jpg

Yes, This green box !!

How to

The circuit is as followed :

Joule thieve.jpg

The bread board can be assembled as followed.

Joule Bread.jpg

And the resulting voltage on the side on the led should like like

Joule oscillo.jpg

What is happening there ?