* Fri 25.05.2018: Build your own IoT device with ESP32 and Bluetooth by binarybrain
* Fri 15.06.2018: Programming Language eonology for trolls by Marv
* Fri 27.07.2018: Python for dummies by Nemen
* Fri 17.08.2018: VHDL VHDLise ta mère by Philou* Fri 14.09.2018: k8s Kubes and Qubes by Francois
* Fri 12.10.2018: Random tidbits and retro stuff by Fun
* Fri 23.11.2018: Python, will it Blend(er)? by oenvoyage
* Fri 14.12.2018: How I started at FIXME and ended up at Google by gcmalloc
* You!