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Main Page

43 bytes added, 12:26, 25 October 2020
tentative de reorg
* [[Multicopter]]
* [[MetaFoo]], [[Bellatrix]], [[Kubernetes]], MAAS
* [[Gyrophare]]* , [[LED_Lighting]]
* [[Tron_Restore]]
* [[AG_2019AG_2020]]
* [[Repair_cafe]]
* [[CCCamp2019]]* [[36C3RC3]]
* [[10th Anniversary‎‎]]
| titre=EventsFablab
| flotte=right
| bordure=black
| fond=lightgray
| couleurTitre=gray
| couleurTexteTitre=white
| largeur=49%
| icon=Other.png}}
We're sharing our local with Renens Fablab
* Laser cutter
* 3D Printers
** Ultimaker 3
** Gigabot
** Delta
** ...
* [[PCB_Etching]]
* [[Vinyl_Cutter]]
* Nice people
| titre=Events
| flotte=left
| bordure=black
| fond=lightgray
| titre=FablabAdministration | flotte=leftright
| bordure=black
| fond=lightgray
| couleurTexteTitre=white
| largeur=49%
| icon=OtherAdministration.png}} === Meetings ===* We're sharing our local with Renens Fablab[[:Category:Meetings|All Meetings]]* [[PCB_Etching:Category:ProjectMeetings|Project Meetings]]* [[Vinyl_Cutter:Category:AG|General Assemblies]]* 3D Printers[[:Category:BoardGames| BoardGames/Jeux de plateau]] === Association ===*[[Internal Regulation]] [French]* Gigabot[[Utilité_publique]]: [ subventions], ...*[[Membership_admin]]* [[UltimakerAccounts|What to do with new member?]]*[[History]]* Ultimaker 3[[Odoo]]** DeltaRegister expense** ..Pay membership** etc=== Other ===* Laser cutter[[Openings]]* CNC[[Communication]]* Nice people[[:Category:Weekmail|Weekly mail]] on upcoming activities* [[Press_reviews]]* [[Press_kit]]* [[Network]]* [[:Category:Services]]* [[Logo]]* [[Local]]* [[Sheets]] (various documents)* [[HowToWiki|How to edit the wiki]]* [[FIXME2_TODO]]* [[SonicPI]]
| titre=Electronic
| flotte=leftright
| bordure=black
| fond=lightgray
| titre=Administration
| flotte=right
| bordure=black
| fond=lightgray
| couleurTitre=gray
| couleurTexteTitre=white
| largeur=49%
| icon=Administration.png}}
=== Meetings ===
* [[:Category:Meetings|All Meetings]]
* [[:Category:ProjectMeetings|Project Meetings]]
* [[:Category:AG|General Assemblies]]
* [[:Category:BoardGames| BoardGames/Jeux de plateau]]
=== Association ===
* [[Internal Regulation]] [French]
* [[Utilité_publique]]: [ subventions], ...
* [[Membership_admin]]
* [[Accounts|What to do with new member?]]
* [[History]]
* [[Odoo]]
** Register expense
** Pay membership
** etc.
=== Other ===
* [[Openings]]
* [[Communication]]
* [[:Category:Weekmail|Weekly mail]] on upcoming activities
* [[Press_reviews]]
* [[Press_kit]]
* [[Network]]
* [[:Category:Services]]
* [[Logo]]
* [[Local]]
* [[Sheets]] (various documents)
* [[HowToWiki|How to edit the wiki]]
* [[SonicPI]]
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ControlGroup, administrator