== Description ==
== Goal ==
* To get the Create a web based slicer working, which converts 3D cad model to gcode for your 3D printer* To get the online * Slice 3D models on remote machines, break it up amongst multiple machines after a certain size*** Give 'points' or credit to those who helped slice models during their computer's idling time, which they can then use to slice their own models later quickly or on a less powerful machine*** Have a payed service for those who do not want to share their computer's power yet want to use service** Have a website for accepting 3D models with config and options*** Allow people to select their printer from a list, or load their own profile (?)*** Select print shop workingfill, speed, etc*** Automatic selection of options for n00bs*** Print directly from Thingiverse using injected button*** Show costs, length of filament used, etc (provide affiliated links to buy more (?))
== Obstacles ==
== Participants ==
* [[User:gcmalloc]]
* [[User:sasha]]