Added illustrator instructions
=== Illustrator ===
==== Basic instructions ====# [ Getting started with Illustrator]# Make sure that all the things you want to cut/engrave are paths with a '''0.25mm stroke, use ''' and '''no fill'''# Place all the paths into the root of a different layer - Laserworks does not recognise sublayers, linked files or grouped paths# Each color you select for each your paths will show up as a different settings layerin Laserworks (e.g. black lines can be set to cut, red lines set to engrave). Any layers in Illustrator will be merged. # File > Export as '''dxf''', use R13/LT95 for the dxf format. Laserworks also supportes .ai files saved as Illustrator 8, but you may loose some editing functionality when saving with this, so be careful. ==== Text ====# Select your text and remove the fill, then set a stroke of 0.25# You must expand the text before importing it into Laserworks:## When saving as dxf, select Outline Text## Select text, then click Object > Expand. This will not allow you to edit the text afterwards, but works when saving as .ai ==== Bitmaps and images ====# Drag your image into illustrator, and click on Image Trace (use the arrow on the right to find the best settings, or press the settings button to custom set the settings)# Click the expand button
=== Rhino ===
Used by Swisskoo and marc
=== Autodesk Inventor ===
Used by Swisskoo
== Laser software ==