
Langage C

530 bytes added, 19:26, 2 September 2015
/* chapter 6 (résumé) */
a = 5; // allocation of the value 5 to a
b = a; // allocation of a to B
'''Operateur arithmetique (+, -, / , *,...)''':
int a, b;
a = 5; // allocation of the value 5 to a
b = a; // allocation of a to B
a = a + b; a += b; // new allocation of a by addition / same writting
a = a - b; a -= b; // new allocation of a by subtraction / same writting
a = a * b; a *= b; // new allocation of a by multiplication / same writting
a = a / b; a /= b; // new allocation of a by division / same writting
a = a % b; a %= b; // new allocation of a by modulo / same writting
==== Trick ====