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Langage C

375 bytes added, 19:12, 2 September 2015
/* chapter 6 (résumé) */
''In French'': Dans ce chapitre, les sujets traité seront les différentes notions d' '''opérateur'''
''In English'': the subjects treated in this chapter concern the '''operateur'''notions 
==== code part ====
'''Operateur d'affection (=)''': allocation of variable by a constante or an other variable
int a, b;
a = 5; // allocation of the value 5 to a
b = a; // allocation of a to B
==== Trick ====
'''Warning''': don't mistake this : '=' & '==' => the first symbol correponds at the allocation / the second symbol corresponds at the test between two variables
=== chapter 7 (résumé) ===