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Langage C

550 bytes added, 23:10, 18 March 2015
/* chapter 3 (résumé) */
==== code part ====
an exemple of instruction with a constante and a variable:
i = 100;
i depicts a variable | 100 depicts a constant
an other examples showing the type declaration, the instructions, the expressions, the constantes and the variables int i; // declaration of integer variable int j ==== Trick ====10; // declaration of integer variable where a constant associate to him int x, y, z; // declaration of integer variable
// example of instruction with an expression (side right)
x = j + 5;
y = j + x + 10;
z = j / 2
i = (x - y) / z;
==== Trick ====
=== chapter 4 (résumé) ===