Hackerspace in Renens near Lausanne, Switzerland since 2010.

The space is open on different days, check the open status on the website (top-left) and twitter, mastodon, the chat, the calendar and the wiki...

Free and open for everyone.

Defcon Quals : 2-4 June 2012

Hi there,

For the next Monthly Hacking, we have registred a team to participate to the Defcon qualification CTF.
Everybody is welcome of course, every brain counts, experienced or not!

We plan to stay at the hackerspace for 48h, full of mate and pizza!

Last year FIXME participation on the wiki: https://fixme.ch/wiki/Defcon_quals_2011 and this year will be here: https://fixme.ch/wiki/Defcon_quals_2012


Coding Night #2, ACTA roundtable and Monthly hacking challenges


Here are the events scheduled for march.

All these events are of course open to everyone, non-members included!


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