Internal Server
The HS need to be tidy in his IT, centralized everything
Provide a server internal to the hackerspace.
The services that would be nice to have are listed below.
Maybe find a mini rack to put the switch on it and keep everything clean.
Services available only from inside the HS
- MPD Daemon
- ssh key updater (put the key on a single machine which then upload the key on guest1, guest2)
- OpenLDAP Server for personal identification (wifi and login into guest1 and guest2, wiki, ftp)
- radius server for the wpa
- Sync guest1 and guest2 to be the same and to share all the software installed (sync the key too)
- screen session for share coding
- Samba shares
- NFS share
- A pulse server to output the sound of Guest1 and Guest2 on the big speaker (easy conference tool, easy way to look at vids :))
- other ideas :
Services available from anywhere
- FTPServer on ssl or ssh
- Git server (gitolite ?)
- IP over DNS server (, seems better as it support authentication)
- SSH or openvpn to access the hackerspace for ctf or other event
- virtualisation for testing stuff
- bug tracker
The internal requirement for the server
- Less than 40 Watt on load
- RAID for fallback
- Easy backup
- Encryption of some directory would be nice to have
- at least 8 Go of ram
Gcmalloc can provide simple atx cases and the power supplies are legion around, so I'm not counting them in the price The first try is :
Cheap Motherboard Intel D525MW, Atom D525 Dual Core, Mini-ITX 85 CHF HDD 1 * 1 To Hitachi green 50 CHF TOTAL 135 CHF Middle Motherboard Jetway JNC9C-550 109£ HDD Similar to High TOTAL 160+100+120=380 CHF without the raid 160+100+60=320 without the ssd 160+60=220 High Motherboard JNF81-T56N 139£ HDD 40 Gb ssd 100 CHF 2 * 2To Hard drive 60 CHF per piece 120 for both TOTAL 160+100+120=380 CHF without the raid 160+100+60=320 without the ssd 160+60=220
On the month of november, A 2 To HDD cost around two time my arm (around 240 CHF). All that is caused by the flood in Thailand. We should wait for the price to calm down a bit Freestorm proposed to give freely 160Go Sata HDD. so:
Cheap Motherboard Intel D525MW, Atom D525 Dual Core, Mini-ITX 85 CHF HDD TOTAL 85 CHF Middle Motherboard Jetway JNC9C-550 109£ TOTAL 160+100=260 CHF without the raid 160+100=260 without the ssd 160=160 High Motherboard JNF81-T56N 139£ HDD 40 Gb ssd 100 CHF TOTAL 160+100=260CHF
We can then easily go to the JNF81-T56N motherboard. the resulted prices are as following:
- JNF81-T56N 139GBP + 40GBP livraison --> 257.457 CHF
- TVA + douane --> ~50 CHF (estimation)
- Corsair ValueSelect 4GB SO-DIMM, DDR3-1333, CL9 --> 24 CHF
We need around 186 CHF to end this project.
The goal is to have it before the beginning of january 2012
- 09 november 2011 : we made some benchmark on a atom N270, with heavy load on an apache server, sshd daemon, mpd and vsftp. Everything is working flawlessly :) so we can go for the dual core atom. The ftp connexion were around 15 MByte per connexion. We need at least 8 Go of ram for that.
- 01 december 2011 : The motherboard JNF81-T56N was ordered,should be there 6 days later.
- 02 december 2011 : The motherboard JNF81-T56N is out of stock, need to wait
Project Owner
- gcmalloc
- Rorist
- Speredenn
- Fred