
Revision as of 17:09, 11 February 2012 by Rorist (Talk | contribs)

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Projects Proposition

The proposed projects are:

  • Merge patches and release new version of wiki2beamer
  • Pastebin application like sprung but based on flask
  • Adding patch to xchat otr.
  • Soundcloud plugin for mpd, should similar to the lastFM plugin.
  • Android app:
    • Record time slept.
    • Ssh remote (multimedia key, slide remote)
    • read only for etherpad formats
    • LDAP search
  • little game:
    • little to no graphic at all (sound driven game, or touch driven game)
    • platform game with open source sprite


  • Create a minimal pastebin


  • A pastebin app which has the following component
    • a [cabinet] database.
    • a api that can be easily adapted for quite any databases.
    • A webinterface using flask (python 2.7), and another using the http.server module
    • A very raw socket interface with direct access trough telnet.
  • We learnt alot about:
    • esc
      • Python3 -- How to target this platform, available libraries and frameworks
      • Crazy high-performance Japanese database applications
      • Raw socket programming
      • Web-frameworks programming
      • Group dynamics during a coding-night
      • Also, adding more french vocab to my arsenal
      • Summary: although we didn't produce any production ready code, we never the less came up with multiple proof of concepts
      • Success: ✓
    • gcmalloc
      • Easy merging for git branches.
      • Two japanese brothers with funny names.
      • Refreshing my socket programming fu.
      • A new way to check my code trough pylint.
      • Definition of the project and definition of a simple api.
    • Rorist
      • Python 3 library still hard to find, some changes are kind of tricky (strings/bytes)
      • It's hard to incorporate everyone in the coding process with different level of programming (Oliv felt a little bit left over)
      • We had very good ideas, but we should have limited our self to the basics
      • I'm a slow thinker, sometimes hard to follow speedy gcmalloc and esc :)
      • Met a nice guy (coming from who had nice ideas and acted as some sort of complement project manager
      • ...