- Electronics meetings every Friday from 20h
- Open for everyone (members and non-members)
- Electronic design workshops (example : using Kicad,...)
- Soldering workshops (example : on veroboard, on pcb, soldering the SMD components, ...)
- Theory about electronics.
- User:Petaflot was interested to give courses
- filters (with self, condensator, resistor), amplification part with transistor or AOP
- Have electronic kits to solder.
- Work on collaborative electronic projects for the hackerspace.
- meteo station
- deco light in HS
- monnaie account
- waiting your idea
- learn to use different microcontrolor (Cours MicroControler)
Electronic kits
- Buy some kits:
- From vendors like Conrad, etc (arduino, launchpad, raspiberry, explorer16, ...)
- From open hardware projects
- From other hackerspaces.
- Make our own electronics kits:
- Design.
- Order or make PCBs.
- Buy parts.
- Package kits.
- Promote our kits.
Electronic projects for the hackerspace
- Hackerspace open sign.
- Emergency "next" button for mpd.