
Revision as of 08:56, 15 March 2013 by Noskill (Talk | contribs)

Hello there :3

Who am I ?

Basically another mad geek. I like: Photography, (Random-)hiking, electronics, nature, books, music (I kinda like all styles of music ^^). I'm currently in 3rd year of apprenticeship at ETML as computer scientist student and working at EPFL's IC-IT for a one-year long internship :D


Size: Small/Medium

Why am I interessed to join the HS ?

First of all learn new things (PCB Etching, electronics, programming), meet people, discuss about stuff.

Current projects

STFU (Solar Tracker Finally Useful)

STFU - Solar Tracking Finally Useful - Ongoing yet not well documented

Progress Overview

Step Short Description Overall Progress
Hardware Toughts What materials to use ? etc. Mechanical parts, FreeCAD simulations
0 %
Software Toughts Arduino ? Transistors-based ? (Analogic)
0 %
Hardware implementation ...
0 %
Software implementation ...
0 %

ATX Alimentaion

Wiki Maintenance

Wiki maintenance

Where can you find me ?

On twitter: @_noskill