
Raspberry Pi Buy

470 bytes added, 18:37, 5 February 2015
When the RPF blog was describing the pricing of the raspberry pi, they [ clearly stated] that in Switzerland it would cost 27.25£ with shipping. That equates to 38 CHF. This is only true for business customers right now, the rest pay 60 chf.
== Achat ==
Suite au divers discussion il a été décidé d'acheter quelques unité de [ raspberrypi] et les framboises sont arrivées.
Le stock initial est donc composé de 10 B+, alimentation 5v et 10 cartes SD 8 ou 16 GB.
* liste des utilisations ou utilisateurs
** Pirboazo Usage personnel [ MdWiki] [ Mediawiki] raspbian wheezy boite du marché ...
* Proposition d'utilisation
** Node NXT