Last modified on 17 August 2013, at 14:32

Presence status

Every phone (should) have a unique MAC address. When you connect to a WiFi AP, such as the one at Fixme, it can see which people are connected thanks to their MACs. The geniuses at southhackton, (who 'warned' us about our vulnerable octoprint :) have figured out, that by linking your phone's MAC address with your IRL name, it is possible to easily tell who is currently at the hackerspace. Through a simple IRC command, you can find out the members who are currently at the hackerspace, without requiring any additional effort. Plus, as a bonus, we can see if any 'neighbours' connect to our WiFi when we're not at the hackerspace ;).

The best part is, unlike other solutions, this one is entirely optional - if you do not want other people to know that you're in the hackerspace, you do not need to connect to Fixme's WiFi.


  • Use simple perl backend to run IRC bot, which pulls MACs every minute from router/AP
  • Be able to tell who is at the hackerspace without intruding on privacy


A list of potential obstacles

  • sasha doesn't really know what he is getting into.



  • Opening: 11h43, 16th August 2013
  • Ending: 23:22, 21st August 2013
