3D Thursdays
From Fixme.ch
Every third (3rd!) thursday of the month. We usually start by watching one or 2 shorts movies, so bring your selection. You can also ask any questions about 3D or anything graphics related, share your creations, problems, ideas.
Next meeting
Thursday 17 september !
- Open from 19h
- 20h Short movie projected : Cosmos Laundromat from the Blender Foundation
- 20h15 Feedback, critics, we check together one .blend of the movie, We talk about sharing assets and creative commons.
Potential subjects/activities/ideas
- Demo or workshop about a specific workflow (scuplting, 3d printing, tracking, modeling)
- using Blender as a free video editor
3D Printing
- modeling and mesh creations
- painting 101
- Discussion about open-source VS commercial in the industry (trolls welcomed)
- Render engines nerdy talks
- Computer vision